3 Mistakes People Make When Attending Paint And Sip Parties

How to prepare for your first Paint and Sip experience.

Yesterday I wrote all about our story and how we became In-Person and Virtual Paint and Sip Hosts as well as the 5 Things you never knew about Virtual Paint and Sip Courses. Today I thought I would write about the 3 main mistakes that people make when attending an In-Person Paint and Sip Party. We’ve seen all kinds of things in the studio, but I think these are the 3 mistakes that the majority of new (and some regular) Paint and Sip creators make.

1. Paint and Sip Parties do not usually have reserved seating, so if you are booking a spot for you and 5 of your besties you really need to arrive about 15 minutes prior to the painting start time. Some studios will see group bookings and place you all together but many will not. Also, if everyone is booking their own ticket individually then there is even less chance that a table will be reserved for you. Arriving early not only allows you to get the best seating but also allows you time to have a catch-up chat, pour some wine and set your nibblies out on the table. Win! Win!

2. Dress for a mess. So many people turn up to Paint and Sip classes in their best going out clothes. We’ve had people turn up to an event wearing a brand-new silk top, expensive pants and heels. I get they are with their group of friends and want to look their best, but the cold reality is – acrylic paint stains! Yes, acrylic paint is a pain to get out of clothing. It is nothing like poster paint. If poster paint gets on your clothes, it will wash out. Acrylic not so much. If you do not soak the paint stain immediately you basically have no chance of removing the stain and your good going out clothes are totally ruined. The thing is people think they are going to be careful and it won’t happen to them, but paint finds a way! So, remember the little rhyme – dress for a mess and you won’t be disappointed.

3. People don’t realise that sometimes their art will still be wet when they leave the art studio especially if they are doing a Paint Pour or have forgotten to paint the edges of their canvas. It’s true, acrylic paint does dry fairly quickly when painted evenly on a canvas, but some people use a lot of paint and their canvas is textured and thickly covered. When the paint is thick it is going to take a longer amount of time to dry. So how are they going to get it home without ruining the car upholstery? A great tip is to grab a recycled cardboard fruit box to sit your painting in on your drive home. Just like clothing, wet paint will stain your car interior and that does not go over well with anyone. The other alternative is using a heat gun to speed up the drying time – most art studios will have at least a heat gun, if not a hairdryer. Pay particular attention to the stretched canvas sides. By making sure your canvas is completely dry or containing it in a cardboard box your car will stay paint-free and you will be able to take your painting home on the night you paint it.

You can easily avoid these mistakes and others by joining our Virtual Paint and Sip Subscription Membership here. By having 60 plus paintings at your fingertips you do not need to worry about arriving early, what you’re wearing or how you are going to get your wet canvas home – because you are at home! Maybe you are painting on your own, maybe you are having a date night with your partner or maybe you are having a girl’s night in, whatever the reason Virtual Paint and Sip is super convenient and the best part is you get to paint at whatever time is convenient for you! No more having to worry about kids schedules or working out how you are going to get to your session on time. Just open your painting tutorial whenever you are ready! Too easy!

Read about how we came to teach Paint and Sip Parties here!